Mimicking the shape of a sea snail
Designing a watering pin for plants we needed a shape that, when pushed or screwed would not damage the roots.
Designing a watering pin for plants we needed a shape that, when pushed or screwed would not damage the roots.
Design a Greenwall that makes use of a waste material that is so common that everyone can collect it and make their own low budget Greenwall.
The colour of seaweed is a soft platinum kind of green, really beautiful.
3D printing clay to explore form vs material.
We are researching glazes that are based on materials that are non-toxic and locally available.
We use the post-consumer fabric and restyle it into camo designs.
Why algae? There are two types of algae; macro (seaweed) and micro algae. Both types are interesting in their own way.
Deriving colour from local vegetation and kitchen waste
Case study plant watering element.
Handcraft is a language in its own right.
Talk about the common desires and the differences in design practices in the Netherlands and San Marino.